Get ready for the 32nd Annual CGSC Triathlon!
This race is a 200 yd swim, 12.4 mile bike, and a 5K run.
Minimum age is 13 years old.
Awards will be given for overall Male and Female winners, top relay teams (male, female, mixed), along with the top 3 men and women in each age group.
Race Briefing and Packet Pick up: May 5 – 4PM – 6PM at the Frontier Conference Center, 350 Biddle Ave.
For more info: (913) 684-1674
Individual Racers: $70
Relay team of 2 or 3: $85
Registration Information
Registration is required and can be done at Harney Gym, Gruber Gym, or the Resiliency Center, 600 Thomas Ave. Rm 223. Register by April 20th to guarantee your t-shirt.